Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here's Another Observation and Recollection of My Past

"Sometime you feel like it's being piled upon you on purpose, as if some secret hand is shoving you down a nasty hole from which there is no return"
During the period in which I had my UFO sightings there was something that even I was hesitate to mention. It was that while driving along I saw a jet passenger airplane, above a small hill just off to the side of the highway. When I say above I mean about 500-600 ft above the hill in the air, just sitting there, apparently not moving or hovering along slowly is the only way I can describe what I watched. In the 1 mile or 1 1/2 mile that I watched as I drove past coming as close as about 1500' to my left. There was to the best of my knowledge of aircraft a DC-9 making no noise (car window down) suspended with the nose slightly tilted down pointing towards the highway on which I was traveling. This was an interstate highway and with traffic and the configuration there was no place to stop safley, but I slowed as much as possibe to view this airplane as long as possible. As soon as I realized what I had seen and how weird it really was I looped around and should have seen the plane flying in some direction regardless of whether it was looping banking or whatever, but it was no longer visible anywhere. Which made it even more strange that something that size with the realatve distance traveled that an airplane could disappear.
So what was it? Never happened before or after. Never considered such and event before I saw this plane suspended beside the highway. I would think others may have noticed something like this before but were like me in that this was even more far out than UFOs. If you read this and saw or know of someone who had a similar experence please leave a comment, there are things left out of this report on purpose, but I hope to understand the meaning of what I saw.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"