Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"So ... How Do You Like Me Now..?"

Don't you just hate that.......uncomfortable silences. They happen all the time in our lives. We may or may not take notice of them but they happen. So its the same with unconventional aerial objects. Sometimes we notice and sometimes we don't. Depends on what is going on in our lives at any one time, you know what I'm talking about, work, family, things yet un-thought that just happen and take you away from what you were really doing. 

Take our example above. The man who made this drawing passed four (4) state police polygraphs, was a law enforcement officer himself and yet was ridiculed for reporting the encounter.
The drawing on the left is also from the same officer.

So...how do you like me now?...
....................another uncomfortable silence........... .............I can just feel it....

Look to your right.. yeah there's  one. Reported by another law enforcement officer who was also scorned and mocked.
What are we to believe? What is it someone wants us to believe? Our law officers are intentionally deceiving us or are being deceived? 

 Do I Amuse You?
                      How Do I Amuse You?

There you go.
Told you it would happen it's that love hate thing.
You want to turn away but you just keep reading cause you know there's a payoff in the end.
You may just be right. But we're not there yet.
 It's this police officer thing has been bothering me for some time. We (the community) give these guys guns and cars to protect us and when they see something out of the norm we taunt them or fire them,call the crazy, etc.
I don't believe in a police state but we do need and have laws. If these guys saw you commit a crime the testimony would convict you. why doesn't the same apply to these events.
 Just as in a wreck there are drawings and in one case photographic evidence. No evidence of fake or fraud has been found in either case. So what are we to make of this?  
..  You can go back to the top and start over and think on this for a moment its OK.

OK so that's soaked in somewhat Now. The examples shown here is just the tip of reports, from what I consider to be more than competent observers. The police in Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio to name a few all have law officers who have reported and had multiple witness sightings of strange goings on in the sky.

Now it's not so uncomfortable. These were serious people wearing guns all day walking our streets telling us something is going on and we laugh at best???  I have a grasp on reality but I'm not sure about those other people in the room, if you know what I mean. Or maybe it just got uncomfortable again, if you believe many of these people were lying or crazy. You know just making it up for giggles. That they wanted to be fired or ridiculed and laughed at in public is just so much nonsense in my personal view. There almost has to be although not necessarily another device or plan at work here something we do not know. Because with out this other missing element none of this really makes sense as to why these people were put to pubic scorn that they were and why an effort was made to quite down the reporting of most of these events.  This is an ongoing project for me that I watch for developments. I'll be updating this from time to time with new reports.
So... How do you like me now?... better I hope than when we started this conversation moments ago. And if it's any consolation, I liked you just fine from the beginning.

"We Watch the Skies Because They Exist"

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