Sunday, February 20, 2011

"The Great UFO Sell Out"

                       What's your price?
You got .. a ..  a name a ..  a number?
You gotta have a name or a number or something?
What if you have something you think others would pay for.
What if it were information you had collected.
Stay with me here. Keep your eye on the ball.
And this information cost you nothing to acquire.
YET ... someone is interested in paying for that very same information.
What would you do?
What if you wanted to sell this information but didn't know its real value?
would you:
A. Best guess and pitch a number out.
B. Take an offer then barter.
C. Because you did not really believe your information was valuable you just took what ever deal was offered and figured the buyers were suckers.

Everyone who picked C goes to the front of the class.
 This appears to be the case as I understand the facts.
And right now the facts are all we have.

I am not bothered by people who sell out.
It's the ones who sell out cheap that frost my toe.

This mad and wild field is best described as the old west with a myopic vision of its left foot.
An itchy trigger finger and a need to shoot that blurry thing to the left.
You don't really understand it but there it is.

  And what do you have? Not much.
For something that in reality is so seldom seen.
Usually for so short a time that people are unsure themselves what they really witnessed.
 But there are those occasions where everything is just right and there are good observations with reliable witnesses. 
Greed has always haunted this field.
I had considered we were past these things. My amusement grows.

I'll be watching for developments in the future and will keep you posted.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

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