"Are You On The Search For Whats Out there?"
So this is the situation. In spite of having had some UFO sightings I have nothing to show for the effort. Not enough to convince anyone except my word it happened. And that in itself may been a clue to solving this mystery. So there you have it. I came away the same as many others who have had similiar experences, with nothing, absolutlely nothing except the story. What was later to be termed (wrongly) an "experience". Which means exactly - DoDaLee Squat - thats my professional opinion, it's technical.
A description, while not hard & touchable, no matter in what language, from people who would be a vauluable eyewitness in a police investigation is discounted by the same authorities when it does not conform to their preset notions of what they may believe is possible.While there have been reports of what some would consider sloppiness of operation of the operators of these devices. For the most part they have been very "clean" as far as residue or trash in their operations into our space. Just like hi-tech field operations " pack out what you pack in". Don't contaminate your field of study, or in other words your basic field study rules for study of habitat of a species. It does make you think. It also makes you think that other groups also uses these tactics and that is the military & hunters. And in field work you may have any and all in combinations unknown. Now that is to say if its not all just bullshit and we are just foolin' ourselves with our lyin' eyes. I don't believe in the plots for this or that. I do believe people want to deny what scares them or what they fear having to deal with, something that will change and upset their world and culture. At this point our film & entertainment world (a.k.a. Avatar, Twlight) & fantasy is so far from reality it distracts us from what is really going on. Remember it is not the craft but the origin and owner of the craft. Don't be distracted by the fire of the match but the hand that lit the match. Remember, What is more important? So hang on and don't let go. It may be a crazy ride. But even "E" ticket rides come to an end eventually.
"When everything is new, how can anything be a surprise"
"We Watch The Skies Becaues They Exist"