Saturday, August 14, 2010

So What Makes You So Special??......HUH !!!!

The Crux of the Problem:
What is the intent of what ever it is that is out there?
We have met people from everywhere.
 Colors, races, sizes, shapes and personalities.
I have liked some of them and disliked others.
I did know their intent which helped me decide how to evaluate their relationship
 with me and our interactions to improve our relationship and avoid conflicts.
I Dislike Speculation

Even the Blessed Virgin Mother Herself had visions.
Here's one that I can say for sure you can take to the bank.
"There is nothing new under the sun."
We are a small people on a large planet. There is much that can go on here we may and do not know about. There is no way to avoid that fact.
A note on how large our planet really is and how good a handle we have on being secure.
The Pacific Ocean is 50% of the Earth's Surface.
I think this is very interesting. So should you.
It has been called a large empty area of ocean dotted with an occasional island. Really?
It may be large but I doubt that it is empty.
On A Cosmic Scale.
We are a grain of sand on the beach. The back waters at the end of a spiral arm at the edge of the galaxy of many spiral arms. Galactic Hillbillies or Cosmic Rednecks. We are in the backwaters of the universe and we are primitive as well. How sad for us is the emotion I have.
We are probably some kind of Galactic Park or biology experiment gone

Don't fall into the trap. Its not mental it 's physical. They are real and they are out there and there is no reason to believe they are nice and kind. Just the opposite is more than likely the reality of the situation.

"We watch the skies because they exist"