Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fire In The Sky

Had A Large Day Today
I met Travis Walton Today
Ok, now you can be excited for me but not too excited
I was very impressed by the demeanor and candor of Mr. Walton as well as his personal story. 
He  (Travis Walton) is one of the  people on my top ten list of people I had wanted to meet.
So today was a good day.
To know The Travis Walton story is to understand the confusion in the field today.
Here is the first real fact,
You need to be aware.
That is awake, alert, preferably sober but most of all you must be willing to accept what you see as being there.
Also realize that most people do not have pleasant experiences with these things.
These Things are not paranormal. They are extraordinary.
There is a difference.
You must know the difference or you will deceive yourself into believing the incorrect answer.

Mr. Travis Walton

This man knows that there are things out there we don't want to know about or discuss.
Yet he is out there trying to get people to understand that it is real and yet no one has raised the alarm.
Who you gonna call????
No really
Who you gonna call???
OK. what are they gonna do??..
What can they do??
Thought so...
Look what the government let Travis go through.
 Not to mention the 6 guys with him. Even after they all passed polygraphs.
They just refused to believe it was real.
How weird is that?
That is almost stranger than what happened.
Take a moment and think about it.
If you haven't got it, here it is.
They are not lying but it can't be the truth because what they are saying cannot happen.
Although all agree something happened to Travis.
We are not dealing with flying monkeys on the yellow brick road here are we?
Don't get me started ...

Here's the bottom line (not really).
I met with spoke to and listened to a real person today.
His name was Travis Walton.
At the end of the day I shook his hand wished him well in his life.
 He is who he appears to be.
Someone who has had an extraordinary experience.
This is the bottom line...............fini

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What's In A Name?

UFO or Alien Spaceship
Now there is a reason why so many people and goverments want the confusion about what we name things we see.
If my name were Susan and I were a man, then what's in a name may have profound effects on my life. One of the difficulties of the subject which we discuss is that people continue to say "UFObject". Even if they can plainly see what it is not. In other words, if its not a plane or bird or balloon and its close enough to see markings, shape, size and colour. Then it is not unidentified. The only thing unidentified is its operator, origin, and the technology that makes it go. 
 Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker - 11 Oct. 1973 Abduction

There are plenty of ordinary people who have made extraordinary claims of extraordinary events. You cannot dismiss these claims just because you do not believe these things could occur. The process people are subjected to when they make claims of  flying saucers or of beings connected to these craft is most of the time painful, degrading and are ridiculed to scorn.
Charles Hickson said it best I think when he said, " We (Calvin Parker & Hickson) discussed it and felt someone should know about it. The military or goverment should know what was going on. We felt it was our duty to report this to the proper authorities, whoever that was."

We should all be so concerned.
Are You ?
Over the years I have been doing my research, long before the Internet flooded society with good as well as bogus information, many people have told me over and over that they did not think these things existed until they saw one for themselves. Now they "believe" which isn't really the correct word but will have to do until another one comes along.
Today we have the same problem that Hickson had in 1973. We still do not know who the "proper" authorities are that we need to report these things. I believe this is not an accident. It is intentional misdirection by someone or some agency who is in the background still pursuing, albeit by underground means, the UFO problem. Time doesn't always reveal these things. It may very well take a significant occurrence that cannot be disputed. I am not sure I would want to be in that place when it does happen. Because at this time I don't see good things coming from such a situation. And that is something I cannot explain to you or myself. It's just a feeling I get when I examine the scenario. To this end I am baffled just like everyone else.