Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So You Think Your Brother-In-Law Is A Space Alien

Could these clues be proof of an Alien life form in your midst?
1. He has difficulty getting off the couch?
....An Alien being unaccustomed to our gravity...
2. He doesn't seem to know what money is?
....An Alien not familiar with our society....
3. He has an inability to tell time?
       ...An Alien time stream causing disorientation of the senses...
4. He has no communication skills?
             ...An Alien language interpreting problem... 
5. He doesn't know what the handle on the toilet is for?
                ...An Alien plumbing challenge of unknown origin...
6. He has odd sleep patterns?
                                            ...An Alien biological system acclimating to this world...
7. He believes that the dishes will wash themselves.
               ...An Alien technological hyperbole...
8. You wake up in the night & the house is full of beings you don't know?
...An Alien experiment for group dynamics of habitation...
If this is happening to you.
 Then you may be in the middle of an alien invasion & not even realize it!!
So What Should You Do?

Notify the authorities?
Seal the area?
Block access to your neighborhood?
Pad lock the liquor cabinet?
Clean & load your weapons?
Phone your doctor?
Look to the skies?
First, remain calm.
Second, get the wife and children in the car.
Third, call the electric company and have the power turned off.
Fourth, go on that two week vacation to the mountains you have been putting off.

If your brother-in-law is not an "Alien" from "out there".
 Then as soon as the tuna casserole in the fridge goes bad.
 Him and all of his friends for miles around will evacuate to premises of their own accord...
Problem solved. 

If however,
 you return home and the power is on.
a new car is in the drive.
your brother in-law is grilling out back by the new pool.....
Then run for the hills.
Because that is a sure sign of alien life form.
The invasion has begun and the world as we know it is coming to an end....