Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Gettin' My Mind Right"

"You run, you get one set of chains, you run a second time you get two sets of chains, you ain't gonna need no third set because your gonna get your mind right" ~ Strother Martin in the movie Cool Hand Luke.
It's the same with flying saucers. The word UFO is just too vague & that's just what "they" want, whoever "they" may be. "They" certainly talk a lot, yes they do. Are "they" right? Do we need that to shoulder the burden of our emotions or culture of humanity against a different(nonhuman)culture which may destroy our life as we understand it. Yeah , I'm gonna need to get my mind right. 

  So now that my mind is right. What have I done? First I have some conclusions about why we are continuously at this very same crossroad. It is by choice. Perhaps not yours or mine, but somebody has made that deal for us as a  "world  culture"or a better term "mankind". All most people truly know of the world are their experiences.  There is a general understanding that varies with each person. There are stats for this, but it does not vary from the norm based on education. So just like the Earth itself the problem is both elegant and complex at the same time. Here is the place you expect me to say that just like in high school when they said one day algebra would save our lives...nope not today.

 Why, how, when, for how long, who. Now your talking. Those kinds of answers are what is needed to complete the puzzle we have at hand.  Sign me up. This is where I jump on board. I think most rational people hold this  idea to be a real possibility. That we can arrive at answers!!

There are those that believe if you deny that something has happened then it never could have happened, so it did not happen. These people are just fine with that. Although it has effected them anyway, its just a way to cushion the mind to keep from losing your sanity for some people would lose touch with reality if this were to happen. I do not know for sure, would hope its not the case.


Most people who have not seen a UFO do not have a strong opinion either way.
People who have seen something cannot understand why everybody doesn't already believe.

Why hasn't this subject gone away...

Because the flying saucers haven't gone away. They are still here and they are still talking about them the same way they were talking about them in the seventies, the sixties, the fifties and lastly the forties. But let's not confine ourselves to the past, the present is just as convoluted, we are in a state of denial about almost everything, including flying saucers.
These objects come from places that the debunkers could not begin to imagine, which makes it all the more likely that these objects are real and controlled by intelligent beings from somewhere else.

Time may tell..
I may not be able to tell about time...

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist" 

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