Saturday, December 18, 2010

If It Gets any Better Than This .. I Think I"ll Just Puke ...

Just makes me sick all the fake acceptance of my "cause", as if they really knew what I was talking about in the first place.
"The Aliens and their Craft are out there watching us."
Oh yeah, they all agree about how it's this and that and the cover-ups run rampant and all of the stuff you hear from the activist and the concerned and the public ....
And after all the belly-hoo and chest thumping and raising their glasses and toasting and the party's over who's really is stuck with the check?...hmmmm.......
Feelin' that ol' heaving feeling? Are You?
Just stare at this it'll make you worse. If that 's possible.

It's just you and me and any one with us make three..
At least that's how it feels sometimes. And rightly so, most of the time the researcher is alone out there.
We have the desire the conviction that stuff is going on and nobody appears to care we may be in some kind of danger or condition we are not aware of as a group.

Nobody will kiss you with puke breath. Regardless of how much they may like you. For most that is a deal breaker. People may support you in word but not in deed and have no desire what so ever to really answer the question. So in the final minute of play the whistle will blow and we will all go home.
Please rub it in my face and make me like it....
So nut up and or shut up. Just as my grandson told me. He said ," You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit."
(a quote from "Day Care Justice" a soon to be released book).
So take a lesson from the day-care crowd because they will be leading us in the future. You get what you teach. Take care with the truth. It can set you free. It can kill you if you teach it incorrectly.  
Just for a moment here I would like to state some simple facts that underline this entire subject:
1. We have not gone to nor do we live on another planet to the public knowledge.
2. There is not public knowledge of a alien race visiting this planet.
3. There is no publicly known communication with an alien race or being from another planet.
That does not mean there isn't private knowledge of any of these events. It just means it is more difficult to verify that it is true.

"We Watch the Skies Because They Exist"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just Can't Leave It Alone..........and you know!!

No, it's not a scab or a booger
or a loose piece of carpet or a string on my shirt.
 It's those damn flying saucers.
As Funny it sounds when you say it out loud, they are not all saucer shaped.

We are not sure why this is the case, it just happens to be the way its is reported.
Just the same as our automobiles are different from trucks
 and bulldozers and tanks and bicycles and firetrucks and motorcycles.
Yet they are all a form of transportation.
Already you are in awe. It's like having an easy button.

Maybe we over think these things, sometimes.
Perhaps and just perhaps it is exactly as it was reported, sometimes.
If you have real honest people who see something seemingly abnormal. Don't you think the preponderance of truth is in their favor.
To be as smart as we believe we are. We are still ignorant about a lot of stuff.
I believe others outside of this place can see that as well or better than us.

I will be looking forward to seeing you in the coming year.
So, heads up, eyes open.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Santa be a hangin' wit da Grav-Lev Sled

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays

So, the purpose of this is not about
the totally exotic background of this self-proclaimed Elf.
 With a secret base at the north pole full of workers.
That flys around at "night" in a "sled".
 Being pulled by reindeer who can fly.
A sled without any means of propulsion, wings, engines,
no flight plans, stopping on every roof top in the world
in 24 hours, or one rotation of the earth.
Nope,  none of that is very remarkable at all

Some of us UFO folks just heew haw at how this has love and
kindness and giving and sharing and
breaking and entering and home invasion,
because he knows when you are sleeping
he knows when your awake,
written all over it and its accepted as a act of kindness
 because presents are left under the tree.
 Of course, before anything is left you are judged.
 Santa's judgement, 
whether you have been "in his opinion"
 naughty or nice.
Then the gifts are put under the tree.
Please don't misunderstand. I like Christmas,
 the presents,
the family aspects,
 the food,
all of it.

It's the dwarf in the unconventional flying object.

Flying around the world all night.

He uses magic, or so I'm told.
 But it may be a Grav-Lev engine that isolates a localized area within the immediate area of the sled that causes a temporary loss of weight of the device. Or not.
Just like a .."UFO" is "Santa's Sled". 
You see its like Darwinism, it's a theory, not fact.
We have the visual evidence that it works but
 not fact or what is called proof
 that shows how it works.
Just really clever ideas we believe are correct. 


And ladies and gentlemen the problem is before you.
We as a people live everyday with ideas much more outrageous than people from another world.
 But when people discuss the idea in a open setting, most admit the likelihood of life being elsewhere simply because it's so prolific here on earth.
Now the humours part is the UFO is thought of as fantasy. It's a sorta yeah I think they are out there but they are not coming here...why not?

Gee!! hope Santa doesn't read this.

Maybe I'm just paranoid but,

 I think we have been watched more than we know already.

And maybe it's not Santa.


Is That You John Wayne? Is This Me?

Just remember .. being intelligent doesn't mean we can answer all the really important questions,  but it does mean we know the questions to ask.

"Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night"

"We Watch The Skies Because they Exist"