Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just Can't Leave It Alone..........and you know!!

No, it's not a scab or a booger
or a loose piece of carpet or a string on my shirt.
 It's those damn flying saucers.
As Funny it sounds when you say it out loud, they are not all saucer shaped.

We are not sure why this is the case, it just happens to be the way its is reported.
Just the same as our automobiles are different from trucks
 and bulldozers and tanks and bicycles and firetrucks and motorcycles.
Yet they are all a form of transportation.
Already you are in awe. It's like having an easy button.

Maybe we over think these things, sometimes.
Perhaps and just perhaps it is exactly as it was reported, sometimes.
If you have real honest people who see something seemingly abnormal. Don't you think the preponderance of truth is in their favor.
To be as smart as we believe we are. We are still ignorant about a lot of stuff.
I believe others outside of this place can see that as well or better than us.

I will be looking forward to seeing you in the coming year.
So, heads up, eyes open.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

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