Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So You Think Your Brother-In-Law Is A Space Alien

Could these clues be proof of an Alien life form in your midst?
1. He has difficulty getting off the couch?
....An Alien being unaccustomed to our gravity...
2. He doesn't seem to know what money is?
....An Alien not familiar with our society....
3. He has an inability to tell time?
       ...An Alien time stream causing disorientation of the senses...
4. He has no communication skills?
             ...An Alien language interpreting problem... 
5. He doesn't know what the handle on the toilet is for?
                ...An Alien plumbing challenge of unknown origin...
6. He has odd sleep patterns?
                                            ...An Alien biological system acclimating to this world...
7. He believes that the dishes will wash themselves.
               ...An Alien technological hyperbole...
8. You wake up in the night & the house is full of beings you don't know?
...An Alien experiment for group dynamics of habitation...
If this is happening to you.
 Then you may be in the middle of an alien invasion & not even realize it!!
So What Should You Do?

Notify the authorities?
Seal the area?
Block access to your neighborhood?
Pad lock the liquor cabinet?
Clean & load your weapons?
Phone your doctor?
Look to the skies?
First, remain calm.
Second, get the wife and children in the car.
Third, call the electric company and have the power turned off.
Fourth, go on that two week vacation to the mountains you have been putting off.

If your brother-in-law is not an "Alien" from "out there".
 Then as soon as the tuna casserole in the fridge goes bad.
 Him and all of his friends for miles around will evacuate to premises of their own accord...
Problem solved. 

If however,
 you return home and the power is on.
a new car is in the drive.
your brother in-law is grilling out back by the new pool.....
Then run for the hills.
Because that is a sure sign of alien life form.
The invasion has begun and the world as we know it is coming to an end....


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bigfoot in Tennessee

What you don't know.
What you haven't heard.

Not even I know everything that has gone on over the years that hasn't been reported.

Many of these Bigfoot reports have stayed in the families that experienced the encounters.

Here are a few that may give you pause to reflect:

The first example was reported and even made the local papers.

It involved a businessman in Wilson county, Tennessee.
I related this story because I personally spoke to the man and saw the evidence.
 While compelling, the facts still did not generate the reaction in the public one would expect.

This occurred some 30 or 40 years ago:

Driving home one night on a dirt road.
 The man came suddenly upon two large animals in the road.
. Trying avoid a collision while braking and sliding in the gravels struck and killed one of the creatures.
Unlike other Bigfoot reports these animals were slightly under 5ft. tall.
 Appeared to be a pair.
 That is a male and female.
Mostly hair covered.
 Human looking face with animal features.
The one killed was a male.
 The other ran into the brush, was assumed to be a female.
Local papers reported and the businessman requested that a local college examine the carcass.
The results were inconclusive, in that there was not a match as to the type of animal.
In other words they could only say what it wasn't, not what is was.
The supposed head was preserved and on display in the store window of an antique store.
And there the matter ended.

( USA bigfoot sightings up to 2009 )

The next case is in Sumner county.
 1965-66 in what is now Hendersonville, Tennessee.

At that time the town was not the busy community it is today.
Just a wide place in the road between Gallatin and Nashville.
Growth of the area was just beginning.
 So it was with some alarm that when the owner of a new home in a freshly carved out subdivision, found a huge hair covered man digging in his trash can at the end of the driveway.
A gun was acquired and a search begun, but because of the dense woods and darkness because of the area being so remote, nothing was found.

Next case is from 1979:
A few miles north near White House ,Tennessee at a place called Capps Gap.
Dogs and some pigs were reported killed.

While lightning was considered to be the reason, there was not any evidence to support this claim.
 Also, considered was bears may have escaped from some tourist attractions.
These bears were kept in large cages which dotted the roadsides at firecracker stands.
None were ever reported escaped, seen or captured.
As the bears were accustomed to people, these bears would not have run away from humans.
None were ever found.
Now we go next door to Robertson county Tennessee.
Again, in 1979 near Springfield, Tennessee.
Close to New Cut Road.
Late autumn or early winter.
Two kids playing in a stream.
 Building a swimmin' hole by damming up a place with some rocks.
When they get an odd feeling they were being watched.
As they are leaving the area they see a huge black hairy thing "crouched" behind an old tree.
They ran all the way home and told the family, who laughed it off.
But, later an aunt told them of several similar stories that she knew of from over the years.
If you are going to read just one book on the subject.
This book by Peter Byrne would be my suggestion.
I own and have read this book it is very well researched.
All of these stories I have related have a few things in common.
Remote and isolated areas.
The people making the reports were familiar with the area and wildlife.
These were not seekers of fame or fortune.
Now, all of the areas are much more developed.
 No more reports come from these areas.
Bigfoot has also been connected to the UFO subject.
Just as in The UFO field no real evidence exists publicly.
I say it in this way because we do not know what exists privately.

As for my story, it is this:

I came to Sumner county Tennessee as a young child in the early 60's.
My people hunted, trapped and fished all over the area.
I was dragged through the woods and taught about the plants and wildlife.
What would kill you and what would save you.
I have been trapping in the dead of winter and coon' hunting at midnight.
Walking late at night in the early 70's down a gravel road along side a deep hollow that I knew very well.
I had played, walked, hunted and knew every foot of land in that place.
 I heard a "scream" or better a "yell" that I had never known before or now.
Coming from down in that hollow in the pitch black of the night.
It caused me great concern at the time because I have heard bears, peacocks, wild cats, etc.
This call matched none of those.
Over my life I have been to many zoos.
I have studied audiology, anthropology and other linguistics's programs.
This was as far as I know not native to my area.
It had an ape/human quality to it.
But it was neither.
Just another of life's mysteries.
And there it will remain.
Until someone finds the answer.

"I Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Friday, May 20, 2011

So What Now....??????

So Where is the Technology?
The technology that propelled us into the new age?
It appears that it never really existed.
This is not my problem.
This is NASA's problem.
Look closely at this photo.
This picture is not possible.
It should be in deep shadow.
In fact it sould be totally black.
I am a real photographer.
I understand how film works and how light effects film.
Apollo had no flash on the camera.
Direct light of this type leaves no chance of reflection of light.
See this above...
There is no dust or dirt on the pad.
A 10,000 lb thrust engine was used to land a 2,000+lb craft.
But not even any dirt has moved ???
Call me odd, but I'm not stupid.
Where are the answers....
Now the most important point.
The Van Allen Belt.
The Russians lost Three (3) men because of this radition belt they passed through.
How did we, America do it?
I  have been and still am a space advocate.
Hip Hip Who-raa for the U.S.
But this is beyond even my belief.
I have studied and read about these things.
Not possible from what I know to be facts.
I want my country to be a winner.
I just do not believe that they were in this case.
 The evidence is against us.
I am NOT happy about this fact.
There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about it.
Compounded with everything else that has happened lately.
It is even more depressing.
We have been fooled and deceived.
When will NASA admit what the facts show?
Only, really going to the moon, landing a craft, manned or unmanned.
Exploring where we were supposed to have landed and photographing the area.
Until then,
Pray for the truth.
Pray for those who have wanted the cold war to end.
I do not believe that it has ended.
From what I see it has gone on behind the curtains of deniability.
It is with us to this day.
There has been no victory.
No on gives up without victory...no one...
We continue to watch....
so should you..

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just For the Record .... I Present ... The Record

Trust is hard to come by these days
Here is the MUFON sell-out Document
After obtaining this document I stopped all support for this group.
The document follows:

Dear MUFON Colleague--

January 15 (two weeks ago) an anonymous party sent Elaine Douglass a copy of the contract signed Feb. 2009 between MUFON and Robert Bigelow. This marks the entry of Bigelow into MUFON, which led to the Star Team effort. The Committee to Reform MUFON has confirmed this is the actual contract, correct in all details.  The Committee feels all Members of MUFON should have the opportunity to read the contract, and we have forwarded it to you in its entirety below. Since we have studied the 5-page contract, permit us point out selected highlights of the document and make a few comments about it.

This is a commercial contract in which MUFON, (the seller), sells to Robert Bigelow, (the buyer) certain deliverables (the Product)—for a total price of $672,000 payable in monthly installments of $56,000.  What is the Product?

The Product was MUFON
According to the contract, Bigelow is buying the Seller’s existing CMS database. . .and all other data, as well as field investigative services and all information and material derived from those services, including but not limited to. . .physical evidence. . .photographs, film, data from detection devices. . .radar. . .satellite data, ground disturbance site information. . .electronic information, interview transcripts, any testimony, including recordings. . .as well as any other item that may be recovered from prior, present and future field investigations [of] MUFON.  This is the Product.

The contract assumes the Buyer will not return any of this material to MUFON unless there is a written agreement to return such property.

Regarding CMS, the contract states: Buyer shall be given Administrator Access to Seller’s CMS in order that Buyer may have ‘real-time’ access to such information. .

Apparently Bigelow’s lawyers wrote this agreement and it was presented to the MUFON Board as is. Seller can only accept this Agreement on the exact terms set forth, the contract says. No negotiating.

All the risks were MUFON’s
The contract creates a relationship between MUFON and Bigelow in which, the contract states, Seller assumes all risks in furnishing the goods and services ordered and Bigelow, as well as his affiliates and customers, are held harmless against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, etc.  If there were any such losses, claims, etc., MUFON is financial responsible for all of it and furthermore is required to defend Bigelow and his affiliates and customers against any claims, losses, etc.  All of that notwithstanding, Bigelow retains the option to control the defense and related negotiations of any suit, proceeding . . . without expense or liability. .   

In other words, if anything went wrong, MUFON is 100 percent responsible; MUFON would pay all claims, would pay to defend itself, AND would pay to defend Bigelow and his affiliates and customers.  Yet, Bigelow may control the entire handling of such a lawsuit or claim and exerting that control will not generate any liability for Bigelow. 

Can you believe this, MUFON?

MUFON better perform
The last thing the contract makes clear is MUFON is to walk straight, look smart, and PERFORM in connection with this contract, by golly!  Bigelow requires strict conformity of the Product with all dimensions and specification . . .as deemed material. . .time is of the essence. The Product shall be delivered . . . weekly written reports, in detail. . .[including] a plan for the next 7 days. . .Monthly written reports and financial statements. . [With] detailed exposition . . . Seller agrees to properly safeguard and protect all evidence strictly in accord with specifications. . .[there will be a] Performance Review and critical decision dates are associated with that. MUFON shall submit an itemized account of disbursements . . .[and Buyer] may, at its discretion. . .request additional detail. . .Seller shall produce, furnish and deliver all Products in strict compliance. . .  And on and on.

Curiously, the contract also stipulates that the Buyer shall not, at any time and is specifically precluded from providing. . .any advice, consultation or management to Seller. 

The Board of Directors signed
And so, in Feb. 2009 the MUFON Board of Directors signed poor sleepy little MUFON up for the terms of this contract.  And—is anyone surprised?—MUFON fell down on the job, we hear. NOT because MUFON didn’t do it’s best, but in all likelihood because MUFON did not have the in-depth experience to comply, suddenly, with a huge influx of funds along with a demanding contract such as this is. And it occurs to us to wonder if that wasn’t Bigelow’s the plan all along—a plan to destabilize MUFON? That is just a theory.

In Sept. of 2009, eight months after the contract began, Bigelow swooped down on MUFON demanding, what did you do with the money! Predictably, that threw the MUFON Board into a panic, they collapsed before Bigelow (figuratively), produced the project’s and MUFON’s books for HIM to audit, and threw James Carrion under the bus, it is said. But that is another story. When Bigelow stopped sending money to MUFON in November, MUFON had received $334,000 of the promised $672,000. 

They sold MUFON
Does anyone remember a few years ago a noted researcher was (wrongly) accused of selling his UFO files to another organization? The researcher was pilloried for that. But here we have the MUFON Board of Directors nakedly SELLING the entire capability of our organization to a ruthless businessman who had NO respect for MUFON’s Mission of reporting UFO information to Members and the public. The entirety of CMS was put at his disposal, and our idealistic MUFON investigators were turned into employees. In order to live up to the demanding terms of the contract, a draconic regime of secrecy and conformity was imposed on MUFON—and it is still with us today.

As for the risks, whatever they may be, they all belonged to MUFON.  Bigelow’s risks, and even the risks of his affiliates and customers, were loaded onto the back of MUFON.  Of course, it is our understanding the Board of Directors has some kind of insurance policy which covers the 12 members of the Board, and we wonder if they ran this contract by their insurers before signing it. In the meantime, the legions of investigators who were to carry out Bigelow’s bidding were left without insurance coverage.

The real problem is lack of fund raising
The root of this problem is that MUFON’s Board does no fund raising, and so they are easy prey to exploitation by a Robert Bigelow.  And what about Bigelow’s affiliates? According to James Carrion, in this recent column:

It was Bigelow’s undisclosed backers who actually put up the $672,000 to buy MUFON, and only one person on MUFON’s board knew who those backers were.  In other words, the MUFON Board signed a contract and sold MUFON to persons and they did not know who those persons were—and they even assumed the risks for those persons.

MUFON needs a democratically-elected Board
It is the view of The Committee to Reform MUFON that these actions by the Board in no way resemble a safeguarding of the integrity of our organization or its Mission. Accordingly, we feel the Board has forfeited its claim to carry on running MUFON under MUFON’s current corporate structure.

Sign the petition, MUFON needs to change
That is why, in the Petition to the Board of Directors and the International Director of MUFON, which our Committee circulated to all of MUFON two days ago, we called for a scrapping of the current undemocratic corporate structure of MUFON and its replacement with a new corporate structure in which we would vote for the members of the Board of Directors.

The Committee to Reform MUFON
Marilyn Carlson
Dean DeHarpporte
Elaine Douglass
Bill McNeff
Marlee Spendlove


This Purchase Agreement (Agreement) dated this ______________________ day of ________________, 200__, defines a contract between Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), with an office located at 155 E. Boardwalk Drive, Ste. 300, Fort Collins, CO  80525, hereinafter referred to as �Seller� and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, LLC, (BAASS), a Nevada Limited Liability Company with an office located at 4640 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, hereinafter referred to as Buyer.

1.0              This Agreement, all exhibits and other documents incorporated herein by reference, whether or not attached hereto, constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties hereto.  This Agreement supersedes any previous understanding or agreement between Seller and Buyer (oral or written) with respect to the subject matter hereof.

2.0              Engagement of Services:  Buyer is engaging Seller to:

a.                   Purchase field investigation services that provide diversified information covering the topic of aerial phenomenology and any spacecraft, mobile objects, or events that could be considered anomalous. 
b.                  Provide to Buyer services including the Seller’s existing CMS database in Read Only format and all other data.
c.                   Purchase from Seller field investigation services and all information and material derived from those services, including, but not limited to:  Physical evidence, signature information from detection devices (including third-party witness photographs, film, data from detection devices, ground or air-derived radar data from FAA or other sources, and satellite data), ground disturbance site information and evidence including photographs and other material including effects on humans, foliage, trees, soil, fauna and insects, photographs of casts of footprints, film, any other photographs, electronic information, interview transcripts, any testimony, including recordings (audio, video, stenographic, etc.) of first-hand accounts and observations, as well as any other item that may be recovered from prior, present, and future field investigations, submitted by MUFON which shall be hereinafter referred to as the Product  Buyer is only obligated to return original case files, photos and audio recordings to Seller providing there is a written agreement to return such property belonging to Seller or other established ownerships.  Such agreements shall be executed on a case by case basis.  Seller agrees to provide the labor, resources and equipment necessary to deliver the Products to Buyer upon the scheduled and terms and described within this Agreement.  Strict conformity of the Product with all dimensions and specifications described in this Agreement and/or any Exhibit or attachment shall be deemed a material term of this Agreement. 

3.0              Warranty of Performance.  Buyer agrees to Five Thousand US Dollars ($5,000.00) per month to be spent from the Fifty Six Thousand US Dollar ($56,000) monthly payment stipulated in paragraph 8 below for a special Rewards Program.  Seller intends to disburse Five Thousand US Dollars ($5,000.00) per month according to the following formula in order to fund a Rewards program that encourages and enhances the quantity and quality of the information Product.  Buyer agrees to accept the following formula for the disbursement of such funds.  Seller warrants that it shall follow this disbursement formula throughout the term of this Agreement.  Seller’s rewards disbursement formula is as follows:
a.                   One monthly prize for the dispatcher accumulating the most performance points as described by the MUFON SIP Project Incentives schedule attached as Exhibit A.  This prize will be $500.00.
b.                  There will be monthly prizes for the first place and second place State Coordinators as described by monthly accumulation of performance points.  First prize will be $750 and second prize will be $500.
c.                   There will be monthly prizes for the first, second and third place field investigators based on monthly accumulation of performance points.  First prize will be $1,500, second prize will be $1,000 and third prize will be $750.

4.0              Scope of the Agreement.  This Agreement shall not be interpreted as having any characteristics or force as a partnership agreement of any kind between the parties hereto.  Buyer shall not at any time and is specifically precluded from providing during the term of this Agreement any advice, consultation or management to Seller.

5.0              Term.  The term of this Agreement shall be one year from the date of execution subject to the terms and conditions of Paragraph 6.0 below.  Buyer shall have an option to renew this Agreement at the conclusion of each one-year period.  Buyer shall notify Seller of its intent to exercise this option in writing five (5) days prior to the expiration of the Agreement subject to Paragraph 5.0 below. Seller can terminate this agreement at any time upon Fifteen (15) days written notice to Buyer providing Seller refunds to Buyer a prorated amount of monies previously distributed from Buyer to Seller for the remaining unused time in that particular month.  Under no circumstances shall such notice be permitted to be delivered when insufficient time is available to allow said notice to expire within the current month of delivery.
6.0              Product Delivery:  The Parties understand and agree that time is of the essence. The Product shall be delivered in the following manner:
a.                   Buyer shall be given Administrator Access to Seller’s CMS in order that Buyer may have real-time access to such information within 24 hours of the execution of this Agreement.
b.                  Weekly written reports shall be delivered by Seller to Buyer via facsimile by 5:00 pm PDT on the Friday of each week throughout the term of this Agreement to a destination facsimile number given to Seller in writing by Buyer.  The Weekly report shall set forth in detail all field investigation activities encompassing all applicable items set forth in Paragraph 2.0 above occurring for the previous seven-day period. 
c.                   The Weekly report shall also set forth the investigation plan for the next seven days for each active case investigated.
d.                  Monthly written reports and monthly financial statements shall be delivered via FedEx to Buyer by the tenth (10th) day of each calendar month following execution of this Agreement.  Seller shall deliver two copies each of the written and financial statements to Buyer at 4640 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV  89119 or such other address as may be directed in writing by Buyer.   The monthly written report shall include an executive summary and a detailed exposition of all MUFON activities of the previous month as they pertain to this Agreement. It shall also set forth all field investigation activities encompassing all applicable items set forth in Paragraph 2.0 above occurring for the month being reported.  The monthly financial statement shall encompass all items set forth in Paragraph 8.0 below.
e.                   All other information and evidence as described in Paragraph 2 shall be delivered via FedEx to Buyer at 4640 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV  89119, or such other address as may be directed in writing by Buyer.  Seller agrees to properly safeguard and protect all evidence strictly in accord with the specifications regarding protection of the field investigation site, establishing chain of custody, and preservation of evidence prior to shipping as required by Buyer.
7.0              Seller Product and Performance Review:  Buyer shall review the quality and quantity of the Product delivered through approximately the first four to five months of the term of this Agreement (The Performance Review).   The Performance Review shall take place during the second half of June, 2009 and will require Buyer to determine three possible actions based upon Seller’s performance.  Those actions are:

a.                   Immediate termination effective June 30, 2009, of the contract for Seller’s failure to provide the quality and quantity of information to the satisfaction of Buyer.  
b.                  Continuation of the Agreement under the same terms and conditions as agreed.
c.                   Continuation of the Agreement with a merit-based increase in price for the Product.

In the event continuation of the Agreement is chosen, a second Performance Review shall be conducted during the second half of October, 2009.  The criteria for the second Performance Review and any subsequent Performance Review shall be a, b, and c above.  The critical decision date for the June, 2009 Performance Review shall be June 26, 2009, and the critical decision date for the October, 2009 Performance Review shall be October 27, 2009 with the termination date, if applicable, to be October 31, 2009.
8.0              Price and Payment:  Subject to Paragraph 6.0 above, the total fixed price payable to Seller for the goods and services of this Agreement is Six Hundred Seventy-two Thousand US Dollars ($672,000US) payable in twelve monthly installments of Fifty-six Thousand US Dollars ($56,000US).  The total fixed price paid by Buyer to Seller shall be for the Product as described in Paragraph 2.0 above and deliverables as described in Paragraph 5.0 above. Seller agrees to be responsible for and pay all sales tax, use tax, and all contributions for health insurance, social security charges, employment taxes, customs duties, if any, and any and all other surcharges, fees, worker’s compensation premiums or other labor related taxes, fees or premiums  arising in connection with the performance of the scope of work of this contract.  This is a Turn-key price Agreement.  Seller will not and shall not seek to pass-along any additional costs that it may incur in connection with any activity that it may require in order to produce or deliver the Product as set forth in Paragraph 2 or deliverables as defined in Paragraph 5.  In the event Buyer is found to be liable for any of the costs described above, Seller shall indemnify Buyer to the full extent as set forth in paragraph 10.0 below. 
9.0              Financial Statements.  As a condition of this contract, MUFON shall submit an itemized account of disbursements, on an approved BAASS format, on a monthly basis, no later than the 10th of each month.  Further, BAASS may, at its discretion, request and receive within 10 days additional detailed information relative to any allocation or expenditure of monies paid to MUFON.
This supporting information may include (but not be limited to) invoices, receipts, statements, contracts, time/payroll reports, independent contractor submissions, and summarizing schedules, which shall allow easy correlation from the detail to the total expenditures.
10.0          Terms:  The first prorated payment shall be made to Seller within three business days after complete execution of this Agreement.  Each month thereafter payment shall be made on or before the fifth day of each month. 
11.0          Modifications:  This Agreement may only be modified by a written instrument, signed by both parties.  Such a written instrument is only valid if signed by Robert T. Bigelow and identifies specifically the sections of this Agreement affected along with the specific changes caused by signing the written instrument.
12.0          Non-Waiver:  Failure of Buyer to insist on any term of this Agreement shall not release Seller from any warranties or obligations under this Agreement and shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of Buyer to insist upon strict performance hereunder of any of its right and/or remedies.
13.0          Hold Harmless:  Seller assumes all risks in furnishing the goods and services ordered hereunder and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer or any affiliates from and against any and all such claims, debts, demands, judgments, awards, losses, liabilities, interest, attorney’s fees, costs and expenses arising out of any failure of Seller to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
14.0          Indemnity Against Patent Infringement: 

Seller shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend, at Seller’s expense, Buyer and/or Buyer’s customers against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, settlements, and judgments resulting from an allegation of infringement or misappropriation of an intellectual property right (whether or not successful), as well as attorney’s fees, expert’s fees, consultant’s fees, court costs, and related expenses incurred by Buyer and/or Buyer’s customers in defending such an action.  Seller shall provide to Buyer a suitable substitute product with Buyer’s written approval and at Seller’s expense if an injunction issues covering the subject matter of this Agreement.  This indemnity shall not apply to products that are made to a specific and detailed design furnished by Buyer.

Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of any claim of infringement or misappropriation related to the subject matter of this Agreement immediately upon Seller’s receipt of notification of such claim(s).  Buyer shall have the option to control the defense and related negotiations of any suit, proceeding, or action of infringement or misappropriation against Buyer without expense or liability pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

15.0          Intellectual Property Rights.  Intellectual property rights and the nature of ownership of physical materials and the particular permissions surrounding destructive testing shall be determined on a case by case basis through written permission from MUFON when and where such materials are offered to Buyer. Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of any claim of infringement or misappropriation of Intellectual Property immediately upon Seller’s receipt of notification of such claim(s).  Buyer shall have the option to control the defense and related negotiations of any suit, proceeding, or action of infringement or misappropriation against Buyer without expense or liability pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

16.0          Compliance:  Seller shall produce, furnish and deliver all Products to be provided in strict compliance with any and all terms of this Agreement.

17.0          Warranty:  Exhibit A attached to this Agreement shall specify the term for any additional warranties by Seller pertaining to all deliverables subject to this Agreement.
18.0          Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:  The parties agree 1) to personal jurisdiction in the State of Nevada; 2) the laws of the State of Nevada shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and; 3) any proceedings with respect to the performance or enforcement of this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Nevada.
19.0          Severability:  If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, the Parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement, unless applying the remaining portions would frustrate the purpose of this Agreement.
20.0          Acceptance:  Seller can only accept this Agreement on the exact terms set forth.  The Seller can only make acceptance by executing this Agreement and initialing all attached exhibits within seven (7) calendar days of the Agreement date.
21.0          Delegation of Performance:  No delegation of performance by Seller is permitted unless the delegation is approved in a writing specifically identifying the authorization to delegate and signed by an executive of Buyer.



Authorized Signature

Authorized Signature

Robert T. Bigelow
Printed Name

Printed Name

Operating Manager



Who Is Watching Who?
"I Watch The Skies Because They Exist"
I don't know what those other guys are watching...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different....

The Real Situation About Flying Saucers

I can see my house from here.
(Not that situation.)

What I know   vs.   What I suspect
That is the situation up for discussion today.
To many there is no difference in those two statements.
However, reality is very different.

So let us begin a serious discussion.

What I know:
 I have seen these craft up close enough to realize that they use a propulsion system, if that is a correct term, unlike anything currently employed by known aircraft of today.
What I suspect:
There are governments, people, groups or agencies who are aware of this fact.

What I know:
The design of these craft is in complete contradiction to current aerodynamic theory employed by commercial aircraft companies of today.
What I suspect:
These companies are aware of this fact and are envious of or are trying to duplicate or obtain this technology.

What I know:
Based on the movements, speed and direction of the crafts I observed.
 It appeared these movements were a type of reconnaissance mission.
What I suspect: 
This was in part correct.
The other part ..unknowable.
Goverment agencies are aware, at least in part, of these actions.
But are unable or forbidden to stop or prevent this from occuring.

What I know:
This type of sophisticated technology could not be kept secret if it belonged to an Earth society.
In part, because we would almost be forced to use that tecnology to advance society.
Economically, politically and militarily.
Even if it were only a defensive posture. 
What I suspect:
Imatation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Everbody wants what appears to be the decisive tool of protection for their society.
Or the assurance of victory in their conflict.

Is it  any wonder that alien life would not just drop out of the sky and make their presence known.
( I would not )

If you would.
Just take a moment and think about your neighbors
Your family....
Your friends....
People at work....
Consider this...
How you think they would react to alien life?
Not just the one or two who would say,"Totally awesome".
But, on the whole.
The gut reaction.
An honest answer.
What would that be?
A scary thought for the newcomer, isn't it.
Even more if they aren't all that pretty in appearance.
So here is where we are at for the moment.
What I know for sure is they have been and are observing this place, our planet.
What we do affects their perception of us.
Personally, I am not impressed with us as a people worthy of much contact.
But don't give up on humanity just yet. 
I haven't.
Maybe "THEY" haven't either.
Let's hope not.