Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different....

The Real Situation About Flying Saucers

I can see my house from here.
(Not that situation.)

What I know   vs.   What I suspect
That is the situation up for discussion today.
To many there is no difference in those two statements.
However, reality is very different.

So let us begin a serious discussion.

What I know:
 I have seen these craft up close enough to realize that they use a propulsion system, if that is a correct term, unlike anything currently employed by known aircraft of today.
What I suspect:
There are governments, people, groups or agencies who are aware of this fact.

What I know:
The design of these craft is in complete contradiction to current aerodynamic theory employed by commercial aircraft companies of today.
What I suspect:
These companies are aware of this fact and are envious of or are trying to duplicate or obtain this technology.

What I know:
Based on the movements, speed and direction of the crafts I observed.
 It appeared these movements were a type of reconnaissance mission.
What I suspect: 
This was in part correct.
The other part ..unknowable.
Goverment agencies are aware, at least in part, of these actions.
But are unable or forbidden to stop or prevent this from occuring.

What I know:
This type of sophisticated technology could not be kept secret if it belonged to an Earth society.
In part, because we would almost be forced to use that tecnology to advance society.
Economically, politically and militarily.
Even if it were only a defensive posture. 
What I suspect:
Imatation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Everbody wants what appears to be the decisive tool of protection for their society.
Or the assurance of victory in their conflict.

Is it  any wonder that alien life would not just drop out of the sky and make their presence known.
( I would not )

If you would.
Just take a moment and think about your neighbors
Your family....
Your friends....
People at work....
Consider this...
How you think they would react to alien life?
Not just the one or two who would say,"Totally awesome".
But, on the whole.
The gut reaction.
An honest answer.
What would that be?
A scary thought for the newcomer, isn't it.
Even more if they aren't all that pretty in appearance.
So here is where we are at for the moment.
What I know for sure is they have been and are observing this place, our planet.
What we do affects their perception of us.
Personally, I am not impressed with us as a people worthy of much contact.
But don't give up on humanity just yet. 
I haven't.
Maybe "THEY" haven't either.
Let's hope not.


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