Friday, May 20, 2011

So What Now....??????

So Where is the Technology?
The technology that propelled us into the new age?
It appears that it never really existed.
This is not my problem.
This is NASA's problem.
Look closely at this photo.
This picture is not possible.
It should be in deep shadow.
In fact it sould be totally black.
I am a real photographer.
I understand how film works and how light effects film.
Apollo had no flash on the camera.
Direct light of this type leaves no chance of reflection of light.
See this above...
There is no dust or dirt on the pad.
A 10,000 lb thrust engine was used to land a 2,000+lb craft.
But not even any dirt has moved ???
Call me odd, but I'm not stupid.
Where are the answers....
Now the most important point.
The Van Allen Belt.
The Russians lost Three (3) men because of this radition belt they passed through.
How did we, America do it?
I  have been and still am a space advocate.
Hip Hip Who-raa for the U.S.
But this is beyond even my belief.
I have studied and read about these things.
Not possible from what I know to be facts.
I want my country to be a winner.
I just do not believe that they were in this case.
 The evidence is against us.
I am NOT happy about this fact.
There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about it.
Compounded with everything else that has happened lately.
It is even more depressing.
We have been fooled and deceived.
When will NASA admit what the facts show?
Only, really going to the moon, landing a craft, manned or unmanned.
Exploring where we were supposed to have landed and photographing the area.
Until then,
Pray for the truth.
Pray for those who have wanted the cold war to end.
I do not believe that it has ended.
From what I see it has gone on behind the curtains of deniability.
It is with us to this day.
There has been no victory.
No on gives up without one...
We continue to watch....
so should you..

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

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