Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Do We Call You and How's your Mama?

The language we use changes from consant use and is societial and current events driven. With regional slang terms and usage of common words falling in and out of use meaning different things in a collection of cultures that are ever changing. The need for some type of common word for the "alleged"  beings from else where is upon us.
  So it is, when life from someplace other than Earth is formally acknowledged we will need a term to express what we are describing.

So here's the list I have started it is not conclusive by any means but it is a starting point.

Alien Being
Extra-Terrestial Biological Entity (EBE)

Then the oblious answer is what would the aliens, like to be called?
Until we dicuss this with the beings involved who can say?
For now however we need a word or desciptive phrase that will sum up in a way that everyone understands what we are describing and immediatly understands what is being described.
As a side thought to this conversation it as been brought to my attention that we our selves may want to decide on a form of introduction that we would feel comfortable with as far as describing yourself to an alien culture or a introduction to a group.
Here are some examples to consider.

Human or Humaniod
Human from the Sol System

How would you like to be introduced in poliet company?
We should not forget that if there is civilizations out in the stars then more than likely there are society and culture rules or forms that must exist.
Leave a comment on how you would like to be identified or a proper expression for an alien from another place.
Add a word or phrase that you think would be descriptive.

And remember we look at the sky because there are things there that we have yet to understand fully.

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