Sunday, March 14, 2010

Focused on Ourselves are we?

Reality Check:

There is an Alien in my soup. No thats just
your lying eyes. Are we too focused on ourselves? What if there is really something else that is the true objective?
The reality is no one really knows or truly
understands why these things are seen or
what they are doing.

The big picture is unknown for we do see into a mirror darkly. Normally it is a dark reflection of ourselves and how it effects us is the most profound thing we normally come away with from the experience. Rather than how it has impacted the world. It has to have a cummulative effect on current societies. While some researchers have supposed paranormal or relegious based theory. I don't describe to these, in fact I am of the opinion that it is much more simple than we might expect. As to the others opinions, perhaps it was their lack of known options that led to their conclusions. Your results depend on your data and assumptions if you don't ask the questions properly then you will not arrive at the correct conclusions.

So what is the big picture? Who are "They" and what are "They" doing ... really.

What if the attention thats been given to us is just a faint to the real objective to divert our attention from what is really their goal. We live on a dynamic world. We are an early technology society and we are still fairly primitive and war like. Even with the abundance and diversity of life the driving force of most societies is aggression. Little wonder if there are aliens watching us they don't want to discuss deep theologoical meaning with us, the primitives.

Our planet on the other hand when taken on the whole is similar to the description of Eden. Seasons, climates, thousands of life forms. Greater than treasure from what I can determine. If life is as scarce as it appears to be then planets of this type must be highly sought. Which begs the question; Has someone planted their flag here? The way Columbus, the British or Neil Armstrong on the Moon. If they have, then we may be in danger at some point. If we are not already. I refer to the flood in the time of Noah, the Passover, the Black Plague of the middle ages, the AIDS of the 20th century. Management of the primitives, natural selection, just the progression of life. Who can really tell? Are we being isolated from out-worlders or only on a limited research level. Remember this is primitive deductive reasoning. Do you think if these off-worlders existed they would read our papers, watch TV, have a clue about whats going on with us as a culture....what do you think about our current situation? What if you were looking from the outside?

While I don't think we are the main objective of their inquiries. I think we were or are connected to that goal some how.

 There are things we do not yet know.    There are plans within plans.

We watch the skies because they exist.

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