Friday, January 28, 2011

Subterfuge And Other Vegetables From A Well Fertilized Mind

What are you afraid of ???
Are we Really Scared?
I mean really? Not of these little fellas. They don't look the part. So of what are we afraid? It's the idea that they may be more clever or more of them than us or they work for something else (beings) or something we cannot guess or imagine at work.
Make no mistake about it.
Real scientists see the galaxy just like a huge aquarium. Just because you see empty space doesn't mean that it's all empty space. A shark swims out of the night to strike and feed. It's not the big that eat the small, although that does happen, it's the fast that eat the slow.

Why in the world should I care about any of this?
It is precisely that we do not know anything of the what our goverment  thinks or knows. Or if the motives are known or suspected in the upper circles of the intelligence community. We are not being informed from whatever offical departmant that may or may not exist.

 I have some thoughts...some might go as far as call them conclusions...
here is a thought ...
The vigor with which the denials have come suggest that there is something being concealed.
Maybe. Maybe not, it's just a thought from a parent, who knew when his child was not quite truthful.
You protect and serve by informing so proper choices can be made freely.
Unless it's so bad you can't tell anyone because blind panic is just usless and does nothing.

So shut up and get in. I'm takin' a "to go" snack for the road.

Is that the line you were waiting to hear?
 I'm hungry ,get in, don't complain, we're here to serve mankind.
Is that fryed, plain or buttered?

So you think some alien is out there and he's the "Colonel Sanders of the Outer Spiral Arm" when it comes to cooking folks up for food? 
Did I say that out loud?

"So when they fly over don't run.
Wave and say howdy"
It may be my second cousin Marty.
We haven't heard from him in many years
 and he's assumed lost or stolen.
So eyes to the sky and always check the health rating at the cafe.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"


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