Sunday, February 20, 2011

"The Great UFO Sell Out"

                       What's your price?
You got .. a ..  a name a ..  a number?
You gotta have a name or a number or something?
What if you have something you think others would pay for.
What if it were information you had collected.
Stay with me here. Keep your eye on the ball.
And this information cost you nothing to acquire.
YET ... someone is interested in paying for that very same information.
What would you do?
What if you wanted to sell this information but didn't know its real value?
would you:
A. Best guess and pitch a number out.
B. Take an offer then barter.
C. Because you did not really believe your information was valuable you just took what ever deal was offered and figured the buyers were suckers.

Everyone who picked C goes to the front of the class.
 This appears to be the case as I understand the facts.
And right now the facts are all we have.

I am not bothered by people who sell out.
It's the ones who sell out cheap that frost my toe.

This mad and wild field is best described as the old west with a myopic vision of its left foot.
An itchy trigger finger and a need to shoot that blurry thing to the left.
You don't really understand it but there it is.

  And what do you have? Not much.
For something that in reality is so seldom seen.
Usually for so short a time that people are unsure themselves what they really witnessed.
 But there are those occasions where everything is just right and there are good observations with reliable witnesses. 
Greed has always haunted this field.
I had considered we were past these things. My amusement grows.

I'll be watching for developments in the future and will keep you posted.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"You Kids Settle Down."

Kids are just kids.
 People are just people.
Aliens are just.........alien.
We're all pretty much the same.
 Give or take a couple of things.
 Here or there.
 More or less.
 All things not being equal.
Or for that matter fair on any scale that you might imagine.
 But there it is right before your eyes. 
 So. The situation we may find ourselves in one day.
 In the maybe not too distant future.
And it comes down to this :
"How do Ya'll take your Tea?"
"Plain or with those little pink packages?"
"And do you want some tatter tots with that?"
"It'll be right out."
Momma always said to be polite.
All the more so in front of new folks.
Shown' your manners and such.
I guess for the most part she was right.
People do seem to appreciate it a lot when you do those things.
Being respectful of others.
The stuff we were taught in kindergarden and 1st grade.
 The basics.
Or so we are led to believe.
The Question;
 Is the code of conduct we were taught in school, here on earth, universal?
And if so.. is it...
Kung Fu..
 Star Wars...
Old Testament...
Star Trek....
Hew Haw...
Battlestar Galactica...
All of..Part of .. None of ..

What do you believe?
Just remember that whatever you do believe it doesn't change one fact.
There is some kind of life out in space.
We just are not sure what.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist."

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Okay, So, Exactly Who Is In Charge Here?"

I'm waiting for the next bite of the question to be fed to me without an answer to wash it down. I'm so hungry for that bite I don't care where it comes from or what it looks like before I consume it and ask for more. Do you think at that point I might think I wasn't in control or in charge of myself and my opinion wasn't my own?
You would be wrong. 
Talking to some people you may not think that was the case.
Many believe they are the reality that this field needs and it cannot go on without their input. I have meet these people. They are out there. Just what to do about this is as perplexing as the subject of alien craft itself.
But please allow me to continue.

Are you feeling held back?
Is that what's bothering you Poopsie?

Air battles, pilot sightings, document dumps,  pressers at D.C. and the list goes on with muffled silence. So now we fight the real battle. It is the battle of endurance. If we can hold out they will eventually release the information. Or, we can somehow trick them or force their hand into revealing what we want to know. Nothing could be further from the truth about what "they" are going to do.

Watch this for a while I'm going out for coffee.

Okay, now here we go into the void. At least that's what some would have you think. I call it thinking for myself.

All of us had that teacher. You know the one. The teacher that you could never do a paper good enough or thought the teacher demanded too much from you. When really that teacher wanted you to perform at a high level of achievement. So it is in this field.
If you do not do your own work, that is getting out there and discovering the facts. You get what you are fed. Right or wrong that is the result.
Trust is tough to come by these days. Information is important but not the entire story. The story is, these craft are real.

Don't be a psychological puppet. Pull your own strings.
Do some investigating on your own.
Ask friends or family if they have seen odd things in the sky. Their stories may surprise you.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"