Sunday, February 13, 2011

"You Kids Settle Down."

Kids are just kids.
 People are just people.
Aliens are just.........alien.
We're all pretty much the same.
 Give or take a couple of things.
 Here or there.
 More or less.
 All things not being equal.
Or for that matter fair on any scale that you might imagine.
 But there it is right before your eyes. 
 So. The situation we may find ourselves in one day.
 In the maybe not too distant future.
And it comes down to this :
"How do Ya'll take your Tea?"
"Plain or with those little pink packages?"
"And do you want some tatter tots with that?"
"It'll be right out."
Momma always said to be polite.
All the more so in front of new folks.
Shown' your manners and such.
I guess for the most part she was right.
People do seem to appreciate it a lot when you do those things.
Being respectful of others.
The stuff we were taught in kindergarden and 1st grade.
 The basics.
Or so we are led to believe.
The Question;
 Is the code of conduct we were taught in school, here on earth, universal?
And if so.. is it...
Kung Fu..
 Star Wars...
Old Testament...
Star Trek....
Hew Haw...
Battlestar Galactica...
All of..Part of .. None of ..

What do you believe?
Just remember that whatever you do believe it doesn't change one fact.
There is some kind of life out in space.
We just are not sure what.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist."

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