Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"What In The Wide Wide World of Sport's is a goin' on here......"

I consider this almost daily.
With more consideration than usual  when it comes to the subject of
 Unconventional Aerial Objects.
I find great amusement in the people I have met who believe they will get wealthy from the exploitation of a subject they themselves have only fantasized about in their sick and twisted brains.
There is no consoling these poor bastards.

 They believe they are the end all. In a sense, they are.

An end all. Meaning their efforts went nowhere.
 Like a spiraling Meth Addict looking for that next Hit.
 Sliding slowly into that deep recess where all that is thought of is keeping the buzz going.

 Damn truth ,facts, any sense of self dignity, as long as that NEXT CHECK ARRIVES ON TIME FROM
 the source of our scheme.

And it works..for a while.

  But be forewarned, to follow these people will result in your efforts going nowhere.
Just like breaking up wit a dame.
"That jerk, he dumped me."
"My gal ran off with another guy."  
I could go on..................but I won't.
"Excuse me while I whip this out....."

I'm talkin' visitors from another world.....everybody got that?
I do not mean lights from beacons or landing airplane lights, odd headlights, road noise, streetlights that flicker or everybody's deranged uncle.
 I have a couple of them.
While they are a pleasant distraction.
It does not alter the reality of the subject.
Regardless of my opinion this subject was here before I arrived.

 Unless it is resolved one way or the other in a shorter span than I would like to imagine. We may lose a handle on the subject entirely.

 Not by lack of effort but by lack of the interest of the public and the willingness of public to cooperate openly.
I have watched the ebb and flow this most interesting subject over many decades.
There will always be those of us in the back of the room who have seen,
 or I guess you could say have looked and have been looked at back.
But it is meangingless if that is all we walk away with.
 At least from my perspective.
I'm looking although I'm not sure exactly for what.
And if you think that sounds odd to you imagine how I feel when I hear myself saying it.
 But it doesn't mean it's not true, because it is.

There are times when I must just go forward.
To stay back just is not my nature, so I will go on.
Looking for  the answer. Whatever that answer is.
The Question is, will I recognize it when I see it?
Would you?


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