Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Every Time I Look Up .......

I expect to see something there.
It is this small but interesting fact that separates me from you.
It doesn't always happen you see.
 However, that does not change the way I feel, nor the facts of what has happened in the past.
It is my expectation of what I know from personal experience.
 What I know is .... OUT THERE.
Whether or not I see anything makes no difference.
Sound crazy??
It does to me.
After all, I consider myself to be a rational, sane human being.
I have never been prone to deception, delusion or delirium of the mind. 
Yet, there is this expectation of observation.........
of .... SOMETHING.
(you fill in the blank)
I have seen airplanes, birds, clouds, falling leaves, butterflies, fireworks, you name it.
If it's been in the air I probably have observed it at one time or another.

So, I want to be clear here with my point.
I am discussing structured craft of a manufactured nature.
From somewhere other than Earth. 
(I hope this is clear enough)

(This is a news photo of the battle of L.A. in 1942)
We focus so much on the world around us.
 Isn't it amazing that we forget that our world doesn't end at the top of our heads.
Nor does the world end at the horizon.
Our world is large and it moves through space around our sun.
We, the human race live in space, in a galaxy, in a universe, in the cosmos.
So when people ask me if I believe there is life out in space...
I reply "yes".
When asked if I have seen this life.
I say "yes" and point at them.
The clever ones understand.
For they are in space with me and are alive.
At least as far as I could tell.
As I hope you are also.

"We Watch They Skies Because They Exist"

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Don't Pee On My UFO & Tell Me It's Raining"

It's a sad state of affairs when you can't leave home without it.
I have this "Idea" that just has to be a winner.
 Here's the plan:
We start this group.
It'll be a UFO club.
It will be a "not for profit", because that way we can attract good people.
We'll CHARGE yearly memberships.
And put out a newsletter & call it a magazine.
Investigators will have to PAY to take the TEST, to investigate for us.
So investigators will be ready "Volunteers" to work in the field for free.
We'll give phone leads, and let the "Volunteers" do the foot work and mail and or email the reports.
At their expense.
Then we'll gather all this information.

But what to do with it????

<<<< Now here is the FUNNY part >>>>

"MMMOOOO   !!!"
said the old cow as she gave up the milk.
We will find a private company to "sponsor" some of our activities.
Give our special officers expense accounts & monthly pay for their services.
Then we will open our files to this private for profit research company for their use.
We will NOT give our regular members any monies they have spent in their regular investigations.
Nor will we let just regular members see the detailed reports (with private data removed),
 because they didn't spend the extra dollars.
Even then it will be restricted because, well, they don't have the funds to make it worth while.
And we will keep all the monies coming in with as little as possible going out.
Let's hope everyone doesn't find out.
We were making a  PROFIT on the FREE Labor of our members by selling their research.
OOOPS!!! Did I say that out loud????

you say that now.

Did you get the memo?
according to the cc ---yes you did.


put out your own memo....
Rally the troops.
Remind them of your sound principals.
The methods of investigation are above average.
Restate your goals and ideals.
Proclaim your faith in the organization.

where were you when the house was sold?
now your a renter.
 you didn't even need to move stuff.

This is Crazy and It happens
to look into these things that bring out the strange anyway,
 then to have to watch the people you associate with,
 as a group is nonsense.
I understand why people from another world would hesitate to contact us.
Just from the weirdness these so called legitimate groups display.
If I were from another planet.
I would not land in their front yard even if they paid me.
Which I am sure they won't......

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Monday, March 7, 2011

"I would like to play a game with you Doctor Floyd....it's called the Truth."

(Nashville, Tn. 1956)

A game called the truth. 
I have been waiting for someone with real credible information to want to play IT, that game.
 IT has not happened.
 IT doesn't mean IT won't, just that IT hasn't.
Still IT leaves in the possibility that IT might.
 Just not yet.
Can we distinguish what is truth?
Can  you?
Who's truth are we talking about?
The picture we see here is a good example of what this converstion is about.
Before I continue, take a moment and examine this photo a moment. Look at the face, the clothing, the drawing.

This is the truth for this woman (Ms. May).
This is what she witnessed (artist sketch).
How do you think it was portrayed?
an oversized OWL...
This is the "Flatwoods Monster"  case.
There were many witnesses.
Including some kids.

I've told you all of that to tell you this....
Instead of taking honest folks at their word (which still is something most folks I know believe), face value.
We tend to laugh at them.
 That is not what they want.
When people tell you their story.
 They do not know most of the time what they are looking for in response.
 Just they feel it is important to tell someone who might be able to understand what , they feel happened to them.
 Which is odd that people feel something has happened to them rather than them just seeing something in the sky.
Many have considered it life changing.
Eye opening.
Others saw it as proof of what they thought was "out there".
The confusion is the changing nature of  this type of event.
Just as our spacecraft change.
As do our specific missions the craft were designed for.
There is no reason to believe that other intelligent life would not design things on a similar fashion.

And while we are more willing to accept the crazy and weird shapes of the movie makers.
When it comes to real aliens.
Don't be surprised if they look more like your cousin Earl.
As horrifying as that may be for some. Rather than a green bug-eyed monster from Vogon.

I am only sure of one thing.
There is life out in the universe.
If there wasn't ... we would not be here.
Because we are out in that very same universe.

It's that simple.

"We Watch The Skies Because They Exist"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"What In The Wide Wide World of Sport's is a goin' on here......"

I consider this almost daily.
With more consideration than usual  when it comes to the subject of
 Unconventional Aerial Objects.
I find great amusement in the people I have met who believe they will get wealthy from the exploitation of a subject they themselves have only fantasized about in their sick and twisted brains.
There is no consoling these poor bastards.

 They believe they are the end all. In a sense, they are.

An end all. Meaning their efforts went nowhere.
 Like a spiraling Meth Addict looking for that next Hit.
 Sliding slowly into that deep recess where all that is thought of is keeping the buzz going.

 Damn truth ,facts, any sense of self dignity, as long as that NEXT CHECK ARRIVES ON TIME FROM
 the source of our scheme.

And it works..for a while.

  But be forewarned, to follow these people will result in your efforts going nowhere.
Just like breaking up wit a dame.
"That jerk, he dumped me."
"My gal ran off with another guy."  
I could go on..................but I won't.
"Excuse me while I whip this out....."

I'm talkin' visitors from another world.....everybody got that?
I do not mean lights from beacons or landing airplane lights, odd headlights, road noise, streetlights that flicker or everybody's deranged uncle.
 I have a couple of them.
While they are a pleasant distraction.
It does not alter the reality of the subject.
Regardless of my opinion this subject was here before I arrived.

 Unless it is resolved one way or the other in a shorter span than I would like to imagine. We may lose a handle on the subject entirely.

 Not by lack of effort but by lack of the interest of the public and the willingness of public to cooperate openly.
I have watched the ebb and flow this most interesting subject over many decades.
There will always be those of us in the back of the room who have seen,
 or I guess you could say have looked and have been looked at back.
But it is meangingless if that is all we walk away with.
 At least from my perspective.
I'm looking although I'm not sure exactly for what.
And if you think that sounds odd to you imagine how I feel when I hear myself saying it.
 But it doesn't mean it's not true, because it is.

There are times when I must just go forward.
To stay back just is not my nature, so I will go on.
Looking for  the answer. Whatever that answer is.
The Question is, will I recognize it when I see it?
Would you?